Posts Tagged ‘ iran ’


July 6, 2018

Dr. Kazem Moussavi, Green Party of Iran’s spokesperson, publisher of Iran Appeasement Monitor and one of the most prominent critics of the Islamic Republic in Germany, is being sued for his coverage of the regime’s activities in Germany. The lawsuit seeks to stop his revelations about Iran lobbyist’s activities by imposing a heavy legal fee. Please sign this…

Widespread arrests of environmental Activists in Iran

February 12, 2018

Iranian regime arrests environmental activists across the country. Iran’s MP has announced Kaveh Madani, regime’s Deputy Head of Department of Environment has been arrested. the wave of arrests is wider than the named person. environmental reporters are among detainees. Under pressure, regime forced to release Kaveh Madani. But Eje’i, judiciary spokesman announced many environmental activists and…

Middle East in Chaos

February 12, 2018

Iran regime’s provocation in Syria raises the possibility of war in the ME. Tehran tries to overshadow Iran Protests which threaten it’s existence. Khomeini had welcomed 8-year war with#Iraq as a blessing gift. 4 decades later, Iranian s are against war and the regime. Now the question is, who’s fighting who in Syria after ISIS? Turkey…

Few important points about the future of Iran protests

January 15, 2018

Khamenei’s speech on Jan. 9, 2018, has once again shown that the regime is not retreating and cannot be reformed. Such hope like holding a referendum under the United Nations supervision is more a dream than a reality. Now, let’s see how the regime can manage the protests, which started in last days of 2017.…

Protests and tensions in Mahabad, Iran’s Kurdistan

May 8, 2015
Protests and tensions in Mahabad, Iran’s Kurdistan

  Protests and tensions continue in Mahabad, one of the largest cities in Iran’s Kurdistan. People set a big hotel in fire after a girl committed suicide, jumping from a top level. She was sexually attacked by one of regime’s agents, where she was working in the hotel. Based on unofficial reports, two protesters were…

Iran-Roundtable im Deutschen Bundestag

January 11, 2015

Iran-Roundtable im Deutschen Bundestag Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2015 15:00 bis 17:00 Uhr Deutscher Bundestag Paul-Löbe-Haus, Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 1, 10557 Berlin Eingang West, Raum E 300 14:30 Uhr Ankunft und informeller Austausch (ca. 25 Vertreter der deutschen Wirtschaft und Multiplikatoren) 15:00 bis 15:15 Uhr Begrüßung  MdB Dr. Peter Ramsauer, Bundesminister a.D., Vorsitzender des Ausschusses für Wirtschaft…

Aboutalebi and the fate of American hostages in Iran

April 20, 2014
Aboutalebi and the fate of American hostages in Iran

Although resolving Iran’s nuclear threat is the US and world’s primary concern, but these negotiations with Iran must not eclipse other US interests.

Head of judiciary defends paper ban

October 31, 2013
Head of judiciary defends paper ban

  Kayvan Kaboli, Oct 30, 2013 The head of the judiciary, Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani has publicly defended Bahar newspaper ban. Bahar was accused of publishing an article insulting Muslim religious beliefs last week, according to hardliners. Bahar was close to reformists and Hassan Rouhani, the new regime’s elected president. Larijani rejected critiques of censorship and blasted those who…