One hundred and sixty years in prison, 1480 lashes, and fines for 22 environmental activists in Iran

April 10, 2022

Decades of government mismanagement of environmental issues in Iranian cities have left neither healthy air to breathe nor clean, sufficient drinking water.

The construction of underground projects and tunnels with the lack of environmental regulations by companies affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards and the Ministry of Energy has created chronic and irreparable waste and pollution to Iran’s water resources and ecology.

And the regime has been responding to any protests from environmental activists by sentencing them to long prison terms with various forms of coercion and torture on bogus charges such as “disturbing public order” and “participating in the destruction of state and public property.”

In recent months, the Islamic regime has also reacted to the people of Isfahan against the transfer of water from the dying Zayandeh River by arresting and targeting the eyes of protesters, blinding them by shooting powerful BB guns.

Iran’s major water transfer projects have been mainly controlled by Khatam al-Anbia, a major IRGC base in the west and south. In the latest case, on April 7, 2022, the Criminal Court of Borujen, presided by Judge Mohsen Jalili Pirani, sentenced 22 protesters to 160 years in prison with 1,480 lashes and fines. These activists were protesting against transferring Sabzkooh water to Borujen in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province, which caused water shortage and drought.

Continuation of the current regime’s rule will only lead to more destruction of Iran’s environment. To improve all aspects of the environment and free the Iranian people from religious dictatorship, the Green Party of Iran calls on all citizens and opposition forces to work together to push back the Islamic regime.

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