Dam Development in Iran: Impacts on Ecosystems and Communities | Water Management and Ecological Dilemmas: The Case of Iranian Dams
Crisis of waste handling and disposal, persistent pollution in northern forests

Expert and environmental activists in Iran warn that 1.5 hectares of lush greenery and pristine Hyrcanian forests and Saravan around Rasht in northern Iran are polluted and destroyed annually by dumping various wastes used as landfills. About 16 hectares of forestlands in Saravan are currently polluted by household, industrial garbage, and special hazardous materials mixed…
One hundred and sixty years in prison, 1480 lashes, and fines for 22 environmental activists in Iran

Decades of government mismanagement of environmental issues in Iranian cities have left neither healthy air to breathe nor clean, sufficient drinking water. The construction of underground projects and tunnels with the lack of environmental regulations by companies affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards and the Ministry of Energy has created chronic and irreparable waste and pollution…
Stop construction of the petrochemical plant in Miankaleh

According to various reports, the Iranian regime plans the construction of a giant petrochemical complex in northern Iran. The plan was confirmed during a recent visit to Miankaleh in Mazandaran province by the Interior Minister last month. Apparently, the destructive environmental project has also received official approval from the Ministry of Industry. Interestingly enough, both…
Love of nature in ancient Iranian culture

By Dr. Kazem Moussavi Without a doubt, one of the significant factors of the emergence and flourishing ancient Iran among the other civilizations was the environmental conditions and abundant natural resources. Nature and its elements, water, air, earth, and plants, have played an essential role in the thoughts and the way of life of ancient…
Garbage amassing in Mazandaran province is worse than a chemical bomb

Babolsar's representative in the parliament illustrated the depth of the tragedy on May 29, 2019, by quoting a few statistics. Mazandaran is faced with the problem of waste dumping, and millions of tons abandoned garbage in the area, with its leachate entering agricultural land and threatening the health of our citizens in the coastal areas.
Tehran’s air pollution

Air quality can decline significantly during the winter as a combination of cold, still air and the surrounding mountains produces a film of trapped smog that reduces visibility to a few hundred metres, driving many residents to wear face masks. Large numbers of motorbikes and elderly Peykan cars – modelled on the British Hillman Hunter…